Sunday, May 24, 2009

Eissa Can Leap Like a Frogs

This is new.

Freshly unwrapped from your favorite box. It as the same scent where you already know what it is, but you haven't seen it, haven't tasted it so the surprise will still impress you once you have it in your hands, hold it in your hands. You like it, and you don't know.

This is big.

The scope is unexpected. More than you imagined, more than you thought to imagine. Like the wave of awe upon arrival through the night, the relief of a journey complete washes over you, but containing that overpowering sensation of another beginning, another story, the glittering horizon of a thousand shimmering lights like the pages of an unopened book.

This is Frogs

Green. Slimy. Big legs. A croak of bewildering origins. Those tempting eyes. The ability to leap out of the swamp - and into your heart. Frogs. Great, big frogs.


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